Aneurysms, where a bulge in one of the main blood vessels is caused by a weakening in the blood vessel wall, is a serious complication that can result from diabetes . New research has found that, although the majority of small aneurysms in people without diabetes are not a big problem, large aneurysms and aneurysms in some parts of the body can definitely be life-threatening and need medical intervention .
Unfortunately, diabetics can suffer from aneurysms in most areas of the body, as the disease promotes their formation by being responsible for atherosclerosis, or the build-up of plaque on the inside of artery walls. When a diabetic has very high blood and cholesterol levels, this promotes atherosclerosis and therefore aneurysms.
This makes it vital that people who have diabetes control their blood sugar and cholesterol levels to minimise the chances of getting aneurysms. Some aneurysms are very dangerous, especially if located in the carotid or aortic arteries. Carotid aneurysms in particular usually have no symptoms, meaning the first time you know you have one is when it bursts. Aortic aneurysms typically bring on pains in the chest and abdomen and lack of breath, and may cause behavioural issues in some diabetics.
Diabetics can also get aneurysms in less risky places, such as the knee, and in the veins that carry blood back to the heart. Checking if you have aneurysms involves several types of blood test, as well as palpation for abdominal aneurysms, with treatment including monitoring, drugs to reduce blood pressure and surgery .

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