Pre-Diabetes FAQs

Pre-diabetes, if it goes undiagnosed, can lead to the development of type…

Waist Size Risk and Diabetes

Many of us would like to keep or waists relatively trim for…

Impaired Fasting Glycemia

Impaired fasting glycemia (IFG) may also be known as pre-diabetes or metabolic…

Impaired Glucose Tolerance

Impaired glucose tolerance means that blood glucose is raised beyond normal levels,…

HbA1c Test for Diabetes

The HbA1c test, also known as the haemoglobin A1c or glycated haemoglobin…

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

The Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), also referred to as the Oral Glucose…

Random Plasma Glucose Test

A random plasma glucose test is a good way for doctors get…

Diabetes Test

Diabetes tests are the best way to determine whether you are at…

Diabetes Diagnosis

Diagnosis for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can occur in…