Please answer the following
Please select your gender:
Are you aged between 18 and 65:
What is your BMI:
How long have you been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes:
Is your HbA1c between 6% and 10%:
Are you currently taking Metformin:
Has your dose of Metformin changed in the last 3 months:
Are you taking any other medication other than Metformin to control diabetes:
Have you had any eye problems related to diabetes requiring treatment:
Do you smoke:
Do you confirm you are not lactating, or pregnant and you are of non-child bearing potential:
Have you had a serious allergic reaction like anaphylaxis to a drug or food in the past:
Have you donated blood within the past three months:
Have you participated in any other clinical trials in the last 3 months:
Are you currently suffering from any of the following:
Your details
Date of birth: