Diabetes > Trials > Are you currently receiving insulin for your diabetes?

Are you currently receiving insulin for your diabetes?

Our client is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the area of diabetes they have been conducting studies in Europe to gain an understanding of impact of hypoglycaemic events among patients with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes who are currently receiving insulin treatment.

The survey has now been completed in some countries and now they would like to conduct the same survey in the UK.

We are therefore inviting patients who are using insulin to participate in this UK study, the details of which are below.

  • Topic: To understand the impact of hypoglycaemic events  
  • Type of survey:  Online Study which will consist of 4 questionnaires with approximately 7 days between each
  • Time required: Approx 35 minutes in total: the first questionnaire will take 20 minutes to complete and the remaining 3 approximately 5 minutes each.

As the results of the study are going to be published as scientific findings, we are not able to offer cash honoraria for completing the survey as this might be seen to be biasing the results. However, our client has agreed that the results of the European studies can be sent to you once you have fully completed the survey.

They will also be happy for us to send you the results of the UK survey, to which you are contributing, once it has been completed and the results analysed should you wish, although this will not be until 2014.

They thought you might be interested to see what becomes of the data provided by you and the other participants in the study.

I want to take part in the study!

To take part in the study, please complete the form on the right to see if you are eligible.