Having diabetes doesn’t mean you have to stop travelling. Instead, it just means you have to be prepared when you do go travelling.

  • Diabetes does not stop young people from travelling, whether they are going on the bus to school or taking their first trip alone as they grow up.
  • However there are a number of key rules to remember to make sure travel and diabetes go smoothly together.
  • Packing bags needs careful forethought. Testing equipment such as blood glucose meters, test strips and other medication should be packed in hand luggage, alongside a doctor’s note. International flights often have a 100ml liquid limit, and this needs to be considered.
  • Depending on the duration of travel, it can be a good idea to develop a treatment plan with a healthcare professional.
  • Regular testing before, during and after travel can help keep an eye on the impact on diabetes management.
  • Travel to hot climates or exhausting activities such as hiking means that normal precautions need to be take, such as drinking plenty of water. Glucose tablets or glucose gel should also be carried.
  • When travelling abroad, it is sensible to pack lots of medication and test strips, as purchasing in a foreign country may be difficult, or unsafe.
  • Before travelling, discuss with healthcare professionals.

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