Weight loss for diabetes patients is a must.
Yet it is not just about exercise, it is also about a healthy diet. And vice versa, it is not just about a healthy diet it is also about exercise.
Diabetics have heard this advice from the professionals many a time.
We in the west live in a society in which food is central and where obesity is growing and is a growing concern. Therefore, the relevance of a balanced diet as well as exercise cannot be over emphasised.
With type two diabetes even a 10% weight loss can decrease diabetic dependency on medication. Diabetes can get better and can even go away.

A well balanced diet depends on various factors: size, age and activity level. A diabetic diet plan typically incorporates an intake of 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat.

Dietary plans for diabetics pay much closer attention to carbohydrate totals than total weight loss programmes.
Diabetics are also enabled on diabetic diet plans to reduce saturated fat, replacing it with unsaturated fat that can be found in canola and other oils.
It is also very important for patients to understand the difference between complex carbohydrates and refined carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains supply long-lasting energy, while refined carbs as in soft drinks and sweets cause quick possibly dangerous short-term increases in blood sugar and should be used only in moderation.
The key to the diet plan for diabetics is of course sustained weight management.

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