A brand new type of diabetes drugs can help the 194 m diabetics around the world with Type 2 diabetes. A study presented by Merck Research Laboratories highlights that the drug sitagliptin helps blood sugar control without the patient gaining weight and hypoglycemia, two side effects nortmally related to diabetes medications.
Two studies were conducted with about 1,000 patients with type 2 diabetes, a majority of whom had mild hypoglycemia, or an unusally ly low level of blood sugar.
The first study involved monitoring the 552 participants’ A1C levels, the average blood sugar level, over a period three months. The individuals were randomly given one of three doses of sitagliptin once a day, one dose twice a day or a placebo.
When the 12 week study ended, researchers found when compared to those on placebo, people who took sitagliptin had a significant reduction in their A1C levels. Of these, only one incidence of hypoglycemia was reported in each of the active treatment groups. None of the individuals on the placebo experienced hypoglycemia.
More than 740 diabetics with mild to moderate hypoglycemia took part in the second 12-week study. Also randomized, this study showed similar reductions in A1C levels with the strongest results in those who took the 50-milligram pill twice a day.
In both studies, no significant change in weight was observed.

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