Diabetes diagnosis could mean end to life as we have known it. Nearly 19 million Americans have diabetes and diabetics have to make some diet choices.

Diabetes is caused by insulin deficiencies which mean unusually high levels of blood sugar. Diabetics have to have a strich diet and their physical regime may be complicated by their need to monitor blood sugar levels.

The Wound Care and Diabetes Management Services of Beebe Medical Center in Millsboro, educates expectant mothers, children and on how to control blood sugar levels.

“Survival skills” taught include how to monitor blood sugar with a blood glucose meter, how to tell signs of abnormal blood sugar and use medications; good diet; and how exercise regularly.

Diabetes care involves liaising patients’ doctors and providing support to patients after they depart from hospital start living as a diabetic.

Successful treatment is about living with diabetes not combatting it.

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