Hispanic, black and Asian people are more susceptible to developing diabetes, according to numerous studies . Age-adjusted diabetes risk indicates that black people have 120 per cent greater risk, Hispanics 76 per cent greater and Asian people 43 per cent greater than whites. According to a new study, these minorities can slash their diabetes risk through eating better diets .
The findings are published in leading journal Diabetes Care. The study confirms greater susceptibility amongst minority populations. However, three new facts have been brought to light by the research. BMI does not fully explain the racial gap in diabetes risk. Furthermore, a healthy diet has more impact on diabetes risk amongst minorities than it does for whites. Lastly, weight gain amongst Asians is a particularly strong risk factor.
Researchers used info from the Nurses’ Health Study, an enormous long-term collection of data . The team adjusted for age, weight and other factors. The team drew a number of conclusions about diabetes and ethnicity. They report that: “In conclusio, after accounting for BMI, our study indicates that Asians, Hispanics, and blacks were all at higher risk for type 2 diabetes than whites.”
Speaking on diet, the time reported: “These results suggest that dietary intervention may be particularly effective for diabetes prevention among minorities, although this hypothesis needs to be tested in future studies.”

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