The nutritive composition of a variety of foods could be provided instantly by new software developed in India . At the Madras Diabetes Research Foundatio, Nutritional Epidemiology (EpiNu) software could have a role in better informing diabetic people about their diet .
For instance, meal plans in hospitals could be modified to best suit each individual patient, and pre-diabetes subjects could be quickly advised on urgent diet modification. The software has taken nearly four years of development, and has involved innumerable recipes .
EpiNu now incorporates over 1,000 different food varieties by their nutritive value, and breaks down the foods into handy value types. These include calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat and fibre. Researchers, healthcare professionals, dieticians and patients themselves therefore have a useful cross-section from which to plan diabetes management .
The role of the software does not have to end with diabetes, and it could be effective in managing other disorders. Being aware of what supplements and minerals to take could benefit each individual diabetic case .
The software is due for release in October, following successful study results.

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