Diabetics face a higher risk of developing a critical illness or complication than people facing obesity . A new study indicates that people with diabetes face a higher risk of premature death than those without the condition who are obese .
The study was conducted at the University of Kentucky Chandler Hospital and the Emory University School of Medicine, and is published in the journal Critical Care. Apparently, diabetics are three times as likely to suffer major organ failure and die at a younger age than people who do not have the condition.
The team analysed data from 15,408 people. Subjects in the data were measured on their body mass index, whether they had diabetes, history of critical illness, and when they died.
According to the researchers overweight people didn’t face a higher risk of suffering acute organ failure and dying young than people who did not suffer from obesity. The authors claimed that: “diabetes is a strong independent predictor of acute organ failure and subsequent death, or death from any cause.”
However, obesity certainly does predict the development of diabetes, and obesity is to blame for the enormous surge in type 2 diabetes throughout the globe. Without fighting obesity, a future healthcare crisis is a certainty.

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