The American Diabetes Association (ADA), the foremost diabetes body in American, has urged the US senate to pass new legislation called the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, as it could provide a cure for diabetes in the future.
Passing the act, which has support from a number of sectors, would allow stem cell research to progress rapidly through relaxed restrictions. The Act would support embryonic stem cell research, whilst maintaining strict ethical guidelines. The legislation was passed by Congress last year, and, perhaps predictably, vetoed by President Bush.
The House of Representatives have already passed the legislation this January. Darlen Cai, the chair of the American Diabetes Associatio, reportedly commented: “The Senate this week has an opportunity to send a strong, clear message that this will be the year that the federal government lifts its damaging restrictions on stem cell research, which offers great potential for a cure for diabetes and other debilitating diseases. Nearly 21 million American children and adults have waited too long for this research to progress. Now is the time to give researchers the full opportunity and resources to make advancements toward a cure.”
The legislation created by President Bush restricted human embryonic stem cell lines, but much better scientific methods now exist. Stem cell research could allow scientists to control and direct cells to grow into insulin-producing beta cells, changing the lives of diabetics worldwide.

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