According to a recent Washington Post article, people who immigrate into America may adopt unhealthy eating habits that may lead to obesity, diabetes and heart disease .
Among Hispanic people in particular, the article stated, diabetes and obesity rates are hitting record levels. According to the CDC, Hispanics are almost twice as likely to die from diabetes, and also face higher blood pressure levels.
Health experts in America indicate that Hispanic people face different health problems depending on their age and family support networks. Different cultural attitudes to healthy lifestyles and diets are behind rising levels of diabetes amongst Hispanic people.
One expert in America was reported as commenting: “In the first 10 years after immigrating, people gain an average of 12 pounds. They arrive blind to American culture and with little knowledge about health care. They work around the clock and neglect themselves. They live a sedentary life and eat food that is too rich. I tell them to go back to what they ate at home: rice and lentils and fruits. To recover what they have lost.”

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