Major pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly is working with the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists to help people with diabetes to prepare in advance of a natural disaster. Increased levels of global natural disaster indicate that diabetics need to be prepared for the worst.
In America in particular, natural disasters were high in the last year. Wildfires, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunamis are all part of the natural disasters the company is warning against.
A spokesperson for the AACE, Victor Roberts, was reported as commenting: “When people think about preparing for disasters, they don’t necessarily think of earthquakes striking Missouri. But events like that and the recent tragedy in Myanmar serve as a painful reminder that disaster will strike at a moment’s notice.”
Roberts reportedly continued: “Taking the time to prepare a disaster kit in advance is crucial because once a storm or other emergency threatens, there’s usually too little time to make all of the necessary arrangements.” Understanding how to cope with diabetes in a disaster could help diabetics prepare for every eventuality.

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