According to diabetes news, taking a regular nap at lunchtime could up the risk of developing type 2 diabetes . Research of almost 16,500 people indicates that those who nap are over 26% more likely to get type 2 diabetes than those who did not.
Disruption to sleep at night and a link between regular napping and a lack of physical activity were put forward as reasons why napping and diabetes are associated. Despite the link, the researchers will tell the Diabetes UK conference in Glasgow that other factors such as obesity and genetics are more important.
The director of research at Diabetes UK, Dr. Iain Framen, reportedly commented: “We already know that people who are overweight or obese, and therefore more at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, can have problems sleeping. This new research could be another step towards explaining the possible link between disturbed sleep patterns and Type 2 diabetes . However, in terms of being major risk factors for developing Type 2 diabetes, disturbed sleep or napping are likely to remain less significant than already established risk factors such as being overweight, being over the age of 40 or having a history of diabetes in the family.”

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