Researchers in Sydney, Australia have uncovered more about the interaction of immune cells which lead to the depletion of insulin production in type 1 diabetes .
Introducing the three main cells involved:
B cells make the antibodies which are used to attack the body’s own cells.
T cells carry out the killing the cells which are infected microbes and ‘invaders’.
Beta cells (not to be confused with B cells) are the cells which are the cells which produce insulin within the pancreas .
Using a military analogy, the body’s T cells are like action-hungry marines; seeking out targets and ready to kill off any cell that they’re given the order to attack. The B cells are responsible for giving the orders and ammunition to the T cells to go ahead and do what they best.
In type 1 diabetes, B cells view the beta cells in the pancreas as a threat and essentially order the T cells to go ahead and kill off these insulin producing beta cells.
By furthering the understanding of the relationship between the immune cells, it is hoped that prevention of the auto-immune disease could be achieved.

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