Charles Kennedy, the former leader of the Liberal Democrats, has called for a lifting of the current anomalous restrictions on people with diabetes, treated with insulin, that prevent them from driving category two heavy goods vehicles on UK roads. He has urged government ministers to change the ‘utterly inconsistent’ restrictions that stop many British diabetics taking out HGV licences.
With people suffering from diabetes in other countries within the European Union being allowed to drive HGVs in the UK, Mr Kennedy has called for an end to this unfairness. However, Theresa Villiers, the Transport Minister, argued that the government was planning to publish a consultation soon, but that making changes to rules about safety rules was not something that could be done easily.
During question time at the Commons, Charles Kennedy asked “Given that the EU directive dates back to August 2009 and that we have this utterly inconsistent position in the UK at the moment that diabetic-registered HGV drivers from elsewhere in the EU can drive on our roads but UK-registered diabetic HGV drivers cannot – can you give some consideration as to how quickly this glaring anomaly can be cleared up?”
In reply, Theresa Villiers said “I’m sure you’ll agree that given what’s being contemplated here is a relaxation of current road safety rules, this is something that’s not to be undertaken lightly and we have to make sure that we consider all the relevant factors to ensure it’s safe to make this change.”

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