A new study by Australian scientists has found that a lack of vitamin D, especially from sunlight, can put many people at a greater risk of ill health and developing Type 2 Diabetes . The research may lead to more people with the condition taking supplements, as well as diet and exercise, to help prevent the condition from developing.
Victoria King, from the charity Diabetes UK, which is also funding a study on the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements for patients suffering from Type 2 Diabetes, commented “There is growing evidence that shows an association between low levels of vitamin D and an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes but it is important to note that whether this actually causes Type 2 diabetes is still unknown.”
She added “It is not possible to recommend supplements to reduce the risk based on the results of this study and people should not see this as a quick fix.”
The research follows another recent study that revealed people with high levels of vitamin D can nearly halve the risk of developing diabetes or heart disease, while another study showed the vitamin may also play a part in helping the elderly avoid falls through combating the effects of bone-thinning.
In addition, a previous study showed that vitamin D deficiency could be contributing to 600,000 cases of cancer around the world every year, especially in northern Europe.

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