A new study has found a link between certain statins taken to manage cholesterol levels and an increase in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The research revealed that, despite statins helping to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, high-dose treatments of Zocorn, Crestor, and some other statins had side effects that could help to raise the chances of diabetes .
The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio, involved monitoring 32,752 people who had taken statin-based cholesterol drugs, half who had high doses and the other half being given lower doses each day for around a five-year period.
More patients who took the higher doses of treatments such as Zocorn, Crestor, Vytori, Mevacorn, Lipitor and Pravachol, statins that use the liver to block the creation of cholesterol in the body, went on to develop diabetes than those who were given the lower doses .
However, it was recommended that the potential benefits from treating cholesterol disease with the drugs outweighed the risk of diabetes .
It is also known that statins carry a potential risk of a muscle injury called myopathy, which is associated with the serious condition of rhabdomyolysis, itself linked with kidney damage or failure. All statins have a warning about myopathy and rhabdomyolysis being possible side effects .

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