A woman who has lived with diabetes for half a century has received a national award for her achievement.
Ann Clegg, of Ilkley, West Yorkshire, was diagnosed with the disease in 1962 at the age of 28.
At the time, diabetes was not a common medical condition and the doctors who diagnosed her condition gave her just four days to live. But the 28 year-old fought on after learning how to keep her blood sugar levels under control.
“Diabetes wasn’t very common at all when I was first diagnosed; in fact they didn’t even have specialist care and I was admitted to a heart ward,” Mrs Clegg said.
“Thinking back, I was probably suffering from about the age of 16 but the illness was so rare that I wasn’t diagnosed for another 12 years.”
Now aged 78, the great-grandmother has been given the Alan Nabarro Medal on behalf of charity group Diabetes UK in recognition of her 50-year battle with diabetes.
Linda Wood, Northern and Yorkshire Regional Manager for Diabetes UK, said: “These medals are given to people with diabetes who have lived with the condition for 50 years and are given to mark the recipient’s valiant fight against the condition.”
People who have lived with diabetes mellitus for over 60 and 70 years are also presented with the Robert Lawrence Medal and John Macleod Medal, respectively, by Diabetes UK in recognition of their courage and perseverance.

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