A campaign aimed at highlighting the potential health risks of fasting for people with type 2 diabetes has been taking place in mosques across the UK.
Charity groups Silver Star, the South Asian Health Foundation and pharmaceutical company MSD, hope to increase awareness and knowledge of conditions such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels) among people with type 2 diabetes who plan on observing fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramada, which starts today (July 20).
A series of educational events were held at mosques in Birmingham, Bradford, Leicester and London where healthcare professionals explained about fasting and low blood sugar, which can cause anxiety or irritability, loss of concentration and blurred vision, and urged those considering fasting to consult their doctor before making a decision.
Dr Malde Modhwadia, of diabetes awareness charity Silver Star, said: “The campaign aims to highlight the need for dialogue between patients and healthcare professionals around Ramadan .
“We want to ensure people with type 2 diabetes in the Muslim community are aware of the potential risks associated with fasting during Ramadan and ensure they realise opting out of fasting is possible, if health is a concern.”
Dr Wasim Hanif, from the South Asian Health Foundatio, commented: “For people with diabetes, deciding to fast during Ramadan is a personal decision.
“They should consult their doctor before Ramadan begins so a medical assessment can be undertaken and any alterations to medication or lifestyle can be made.”

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