A promising footballing teenager with diabetes has been left without his vital insulin pump after it was pinched whilst he had it disconnected for a sports session.
Lewis Keeble, 14, had his insulin pump stolen from changing rooms at his secondary school, Medina College on the Isle of Wight. Insulin pumps are usually worn through the day but can be disconnected during activities such as sport.
The theft is a huge blow for Lewis as his insulin pump had not only saved him from having up to 6 injections a day but had also improved his blood glucose control leading to improved concentration and health. Cognitive function, the ability to think clearly, is known to be negatively affected when blood sugar levels are too high or too low and so if the pump is not returned, it could present an extra challenge for Lewis’ performance in his GCSEs.
Despite the pump being stole, other personal items including mobile phones were not stolen from the changing rooms. Lewis is trying to remain optimistic, stating: “I hope it’s just a prank. I really want it back and I hope someone can find a way to make that happen.”
Anyone with information of the theft of the teenager’s insulin pump can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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