A podiatrist from Cumbria has launched a foot awareness campaign for people with diabetes in a bid to stamp out any stigma attached to foot complications.
Dr Judith Anders, who has been a foot expert for more than 20 years, has launched the Feel Your Feet campaign to make people more aware of how to prevent complications from developing.
Feel Your Feet encourages members to understand how problems can develop and share stories which might help them take action earlier.
Thousands of people develop a diabetes-related foot problems every year, which is why it is essential those with the condition attend regular screening appointments.
Taking good care of your feet and keeping watch for any signs of damage is important to help identify any possible problems, and early treatment can help improve health outcomes. Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is also pivotal to ensure good health of the nerves in your feet.
Dr Anders told the Westmorland Gazettesaid about Feel Your Feet: “As a result of this work I feel more strongly than ever that people’s foot health experiences and stories need to be shared.
“Our feet work so hard for us every day, foot problems are common and not all feet are perfect. If we gave our feet a little more attention we could prevent many problems from developing.”
Dr Anders wants to remove the stigma around foot problems. “Hopefully, the fact that people as a rule are becoming more open and honest – just look at the enlightened attitude to breast cancer and mental health – will help, but it isn’t enough. There are people out there who desperately need advice and help who, for one reason or another, are getting none, and that needs to change.”
Now the website has been launched, Dr Anders is planning to pilot face-to-face advice sessions.

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