Our final member being featured for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week has a different story than most, highlighting lifestyle changes could benefit everyone.
It might be easy to assume that if you are a healthy weight you aren’t at risk of type 2 diabetes. Low Carb Program member Anne Pollock thought her healthy BMI and Mediterranean diet meant her blood glucose levels would be fine.
However, a glucose tolerance test revealed Anne had high blood glucose and she was at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. As her blood glucose levels began to worse, Anne decided to join the Low Carb Program to help her make the switch to a new way of eating.
“Watching the videos week by week I could pace myself,” Anne told the Low Carb Program.
Anne had never eaten chocolate, cake or biscuits frequently, so her main change when starting to eat a low carb diet was cutting out bread, rice and starchy vegetables like potatoes.
By swapping these high carb foods with salad and vegetables the weight dropped off and Anne lost 9.5kg within nine months.
Anne made sure her new lifestyle was easy to maintain and stressed the importance of finding what works for your own life.
“Find low carb swaps for foods such as bread, potatoes and rice to make it sustainable. I don’t eat potatoes but do eat a small slice of bread most days, which is usually low carb or sourdough.”
Anne starts her day with berries and Greek yoghurt and enjoys a handful of nuts for a mid-morning snack. Lunch is normally soup or a salad with healthy fats from avocado, cheese and eggs. A dinner time option for Anne and her husband is often homemade fishcakes.
One of Anne’s top tips for fellow low carb members is, “If you find you slip up, it’s important to not punish yourself. I still eat chocolate and drink gin, in fact I eat more chocolate now than I did before! Except now it’s 85% dark chocolate.”
Visit our News section to view the success stories showcased throughout Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week.

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