Lockdown measures are continuing to ease up with restaurants, pubs and cafes in England being given the go ahead to open from July 4.

However, all hospitality businesses must adhere to safety guidelines which include customers providing their contact details when they enter a pub or eatery.

Also, from July two households can now meet up in any setting providing social distancing measures are still followed and people can book staycations in England, making use of accommodation sites.

Following a review of the social distancing measures, the Prime Minister has also stated that it is not always possible to stay two metres apart, so the guidance has been updated to request people keep to a distance of at least one metre.

Theatres, cinemas, libraries, museums, theme parks and zoos are among other businesses that can also reopen. Hairdressing salons have also been given the green light to open, although protective measures for staff and customers must be put in place first.

But, indoor gyms, spas, swimming pools, nail bars and indoor play areas must remain closed for the time being.

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Speaking at Tuesday’s daily briefing, Boris Johnson said: “Our long national hibernation is beginning to come to an end and life is returning to our streets and to our shops, the bustle is starting to come back and a new, but cautious, optimism is palpable.

“But I must say it will be all too easy for that frost to return and that is why we will continue to trust in the common sense and the community spirit of the British people to follow this guidance to carry us through and to see us to victory over this virus.”

Despite the easing of social distancing rules and safety measures, Mr Johnson has warned the people of England that the virus is still in circulation and the Government “will not hesitate to apply the brakes and reintroduce restrictions”.

Responding to Mr Johnson’s announcement, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said: “I believe the Government is trying to do the right thing and in that I support them.”

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