Since adopting his new lifestyle, Brian has lost 45kg and has seen his cholesterol levels drop. Brian has also witnessed his allergies vanish after starting a low carb diet.

He first began the low carb programme with his wife to help encourage her to lose weight.

Brian has trialled numerous other diets, such as low-calorie meal plans and Weight Watchers, but he was always left unsatisfied and peckish.

He said: “I’d tried a low-calorie diet before and I was consuming around 1200-1500 kcal per day.

“I was eating lots of low-fat food, lean meat and vegetables but it left me very hungry and it wasn’t very sustainable.”

However, the low carb meal plan has seen Brian ditch pasta and fried foods in exchange for a range of different meats, vegetables and egg-based meals.

Brian keeps carbs to a minimum and has boosted his fat and protein intake.

He’s also made his own healthy alternatives which include homemade cheesecake and chicken parmesan from ground almonds.

Alongside a strict low carb meal plan, Brian is also enjoying exercising more and goes to the gym at least three times a week.

His healthy lifestyle has improved his physical and mental wellbeing, and his lipid panel.

Brian is determined to keep up the low carb regime to hit personal goals and make his family proud.

“It was great to find a diet that worked, and I didn’t want to go back to the weight I used to be,” said Brian.

“I thought about my friends and family and how I couldn’t let them down.”

Brian’s wife has also witnessed success from the low carb programme by losing 27kg.

The couple have both championed how beneficial the low carb plan has been for their lifestyle.

Brian said: “If the scales stall, don’t worry, be patient and slow down to give it time to work.”

Editor’s note: the Low Carb Program is a multi-award-winning app for people wishing to have education, support and coaching on how to follow a low carbohydrate lifestyle. Used by over 450,000 people. Learn more here.

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