People who drink beer have better mental and physical health than people who do not drink alcohol, according to scientists.

The research team at University of Murcia in Spain found that drinking one or two pints can improve your health and happiness.

Data from 33,165 respondents to Spain’s National Health Surveys from 2012 and 2017 was analysed to interpret how consuming beer correlated to self-assessed health.

Researchers determined that moderate drinkers had better physical health, rating it at 80 per cent, compared to half of the people who did not drink alcohol.

Of the moderate drinkers, 90 per cent rated their mental health as ‘good, however, the mental health of those who did not drink beer was rated as 80 per cent.

Professor Ernesto De la Cruz-Sánchez, one of the study authors, said: “Beer consumption shows better indicators of physical, mental and emotional health than in abstainers and ex-drinkers.

“Research has suggested low doses of alcohol can improve heart health and the immune system.”

Although heavier drinkers rated their health better, experts highlighted the ‘double-edged habit’ as they tended to eat more fast food and smoked more.

Of the respondents, people who drank were less likely to suffer ‘physical limitations’ in their day-to-day life compared to those who did not drink (15 per cent compared to 30 per cent).

The researchers also found that although people who drank were inclined to exercise, they ate less fruit and vegetables compared to those who drank no beer.

According to the results, men tend to identify as a moderate and heavy beer drinker, whereas women tend to not drink or occasionally drink beer.

Despite the findings, the high number of calories in beer has led the Shadow Health Secretary to encourage people to be aware of what they are consuming.

A study which reviewed the results of 107 alcohol health surveys discovered that many were inconsistent. The authors of this review highlighted that consuming moderate amounts of alcohol (defined as two standard glasses per day for women and three for men) can slightly increase the likelihood of developing serious diseases, including cancer.

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