Experts say that popular weight loss jabs are being abused by slim people, including those with serious eating disorders.

People suffering with anorexia and bulimia are resorting to corrupt dealers online to purchase Wegovy and Ozempic.

Wegovy and Ozempic are slightly altered versions of semaglutide, a new drug which suppresses appetite.

The drug was approved in March earlier this year by the NHS.

Wegovy was approved for people struggling with obesity and Ozempic was approved for people with type 2 diabetes.

According to experts, slim people are obtaining the drug, which is said to be used by well-known celebrities for weight-loss, from sellers without going through any safety checks.

Ruth Micallef, an eating disorder counsellor in Edinburgh, explained: “I get a lot of private messages (on social media) with people telling me that they are able to get their hands on Wegovy even though they have an eating disorder and a low or healthy BMI.”

Romil Patel, owner of online chemist, said that people such as gym instructors wanting to make money quickly and easily, were illegally selling the drug.

He explained the situation as being “like the Wild West”, adding that people who are refused the weight-loss jab by pharmacies then look for and purchase it elsewhere.

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