The weight loss drug Ozempic may help to reduce the risk of infection in people undergoing a hip replacement, new findings suggest.

The study also found that the drug could lower the risk of the patient being re-admitted to hospital.

The findings came about after doctors at a New York City looked at the data on almost 9,500 people with diabetes who had undergone a hip replacement, many of whom also had obesity.

Just over 1,600 of the patient group took Ozempic.

The team found that use of Ozempic – a brand name for semaglutide – was linked to a 44% reduction in the risk of infection in the newly implanted joint.

Taking the drug was also linked to 32% lower odds of the patient needing to be readmitted to hospital.

They did not find any increased risk of complications, post-surgery.

Another study provides further evidence that semaglutide is safe when it comes to patients having a hip replacement.

A study of complication rates among just over 1,200 people who had a hip replacement – half of whom were taking Wegovy, another brand name for Semaglutide – found the drug did not increase their risk in areas including infection, lung or heart complications or death.

However, study leader of the Ozempic research, Dr Matthew Magruder of Maimonides Medical Center in New York, urged caution around the findings, saying: “At this time, we do not have enough evidence to definitely recommend starting GLP-1 agonists like semaglutide prior to total hip replacement.

“We need high quality, prospective, randomized controlled trials to definitively make that recommendation.”

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