Researchers have revealed what types of exercise suit people living with type 1 diabetes.

Academics from the Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco in partnership with Staffordshire University have outlined that gender determines what exercise an individual with type 1 diabetes should do.

Senior author Dr Pooya Soltani said: “This study is important because people with diabetes often lack motivation to exercise as a means of managing their condition.

“One reason for this is that physical activity can lead to blood sugar drops, causing discomfort and demotivation. We investigated whether the type of physical activity could mitigate these blood sugar drops.”

A total of 19 adults with type 1 diabetes took part in the study. The research team looked at each participant’s glycaemic and cardiovascular responses following interval exercise sessions and continuous exercise sessions.

Each person involved in the trial participated in half an hour of moderate aerobic exercise on a treadmill.

Meanwhile, the interval aerobic exercise session included alternating one-minute intervals at 40% and 60% of estimated maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). Whereas the participants performed the continuous exercise session at 50% of VO2max.

The researchers analysed the participant’s blood pressure, heart rate and blood glucose levels prior to and instantly after the exercise sessions, as well as 20 minutes after.

According to the study, greater blood glucose reductions were seen in men than women after continuous aerobic exercise and interval exercise.

Women only reduced their blood glucose values after continuous exercise, and not interval exercise, the results have reported.

Fellow author Dr Jorge Luiz de Brito-Gomes said: “Our study shows that for male patients, interval exercise, such as short bursts of walking, is preferable when starting with low blood sugar levels.

“Conversely, continuous exercise, like running, is more suitable for those with higher initial blood sugar levels. These approaches can help prevent sudden blood sugar drops.”

Dr Luiz de Brito-Gomes added: “For female patients, both interval and continuous aerobic exercise appear to be effective starting points.

“We hope these findings show that gender-specific recommendations should be considered for aerobic exercise prescription, especially for men with irregular physical activity levels.”

Read the study here.

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