Blood pressure tests are now being rolled out in dentists and opticians in an attempt to reduce the number of people in England from having heart attacks and strokes.

As part of a new project, roughly 60 dentist and optician practices will now provide patients with blood pressure tests as part of routine appointments.

Over the next year, this scheme has the ability to test the blood pressure of 100,000 individuals who would otherwise not be checked.

Medically known as hypertension, blood pressure affects more than 14 million people in the UK, data has shown.

However, up to five million people are living with the condition undiagnosed, the British Heart Foundation has revealed.

Blood pressure is associated with an increased risk of vascular dementia and kidney disease, research has reported.

Under this scheme, dental nurses, optical assistants and technicians will carry out the free blood pressure tests.

Healthcare professionals announced the rollout in London at the European Society of Cardiology Annual Conference.

The NHS national clinical director for cardiovascular disease prevention, Helen Williams said: “’These convenient checks at dentists and optometrists will enable thousands of people to monitor their blood pressure and could potentially be lifesaving.

“Many otherwise healthy people over 40 only visit their GP when they’re feeling unwell, but offering these vital checks as part of routine dentist or eye test appointments means we can identify and support more people at risk.

“High blood pressure is a significant factor in many cardiovascular diseases but as it usually has no symptoms, many people don’t know they have it, so I would urge anyone offered a check to come forward.”

Sonya Babu-Narayan, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation and a consultant cardiologist, said: “Concerningly, up to 4.2 million people in England may be living with high blood pressure and don’t know it. High blood pressure is usually easy to treat, and that’s why it is vital to get yourself checked.

“Blood pressure tests are very simple and easy, so if your dentist or optician can provide it, do take up the opportunity to get yourself tested — it could save your life.”

According to health officials, men are less likely to agree to a blood pressure assessment than women.

Eddie Crouch, British Dental Association chair, said: “Shrewd investment here could prevent disease and save our NHS a fortune.

“Dentists are ready to play their part, but any gains will remain purely theoretical without the funding and reform required to save this service.”

Approximately 26 million adults in the UK have not had their blood pressure checked in the last two years, NHS figures have highlighted.

Most chemists across England now also offer free blood pressure checks after the launch of Pharmacy First – a scheme that enables community pharmacists to supply prescription-only medicines and treat some common health conditions without the need to visit a GP.

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