Katrina Also Affects Diabetics Severely

Health care professionals who are dealing with Hurricane Katrina’s have been posed…

Diabetes Management

Diabetes is genetic. You have a 40% chance of getting diabetes if…

Childhood Diabetes Alert

Parents are being alerted to signs of diabetes in children. The signs…

Diabetics Helped to Change Lifestyle

Diabetes diagnosis could mean end to life as we have known it.…

Diabetes : Heart Failure and Insulin Resistance Connected

Insulin resistance, independent of diabetes and other known risk factors, may precede…

Extreme Daytime Sleepiness May Be Diabetes Sign

5th September 2005 Recent research suggests that extreme sleepiness could be a…

Limb Amputation May be Prevented for Diabetics

31 August 2005 Type 2 diabetes can lead to peripheral neuropathy, numbness…

Ethnic Groups More Diabetes Prone

African Americans tend to have lower average cholesterol levels than the general…

American Schools Become More Diabetes Conscious

25 August 2005 A consumer group are demanding that soft-drink warning labels…

Does Diabetes Lie Behind Alzheimer’s?

Putting on extra weight placing pressure on the brain. Scientific findings released…