Diabetes Link to Inner Ear Problems

by E-women.com 10 August 2005 Type 1 diabetes can lead to inner…

Management of Diabetes Getting Worse

by E-women 10 August 2005 A new national survey found that two…

Obesity may be Increasing Double Diabetes Threat

The obesity epidemic appears to be fueling a hybrid type of diabetes…

Diabetics Food and Walking Book Released

Fountain Valley, CA – Pocket Reference Journals Incorporated has launched its latest…

Specialist Life Insurance for Diabetics

by E-women.com 4 August 2005 If you have diabetes, and have been…

Special New Multi vitamin for Diabetics

A new medication may reduce risk of vision loss with new oral…

Diabetes Test Misery May Come to End via Latest Patch Technology

A Revolutionary new skin patch that checks glucose levels every 60 seconds…

Lifescan warns Diabetes Sufferers Worldwide of Potential Problem with Its Blood Glucose Meters

LifeScan of Milpitas California, the manufacturer of blood glucose testing meters, reported…

Mutli vitamins helpful for Diabetes Sufferers

(AP) – A multivitamin a day might help some people keep colds…

Nerve therapy for diabetics has ‘striking’ results

Experts say a new treatment for nerve damage caused by diabetes could…