Red wine and diabetes

One of the substances contained in a glass of red wine has…

Malaria drug holds diabetes promise

Scientists studying a genetic condition that influences a person’s risk of developing…

Cashew, pumpkin and mango all good for diabetes

Conventional man-made diabetes drugs are essential for many diabetics to manage their…

Doomsday warning of diabetes wiping out Maori were overblown

An expert in diabetes from Auckland, New Zealand, has played down recent…

World diabetes day a success

World Diabetes Day has been hailed as a great success. Taking place…

Diabetes is a disease of the poor

A report published jointly by leading charity Diabetes UK in association with…

Maori could be wiped out by diabetes

This startling conclusion follows on from news yesterday regarding the impact of…

FDA will hold diabetes drug Galvus

The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will extend their review of…

Indigenous people threatened by diabetes

Indigenous people throughout the world are facing the burden of diabetes .…

Asian youth affected by diabetes

Diabetes amongst the young is rising more rapidly in Asia than in…