FDA highlights fake cures for diabetes

One particularly vulgar aspect of the industry surrounding diabetes is the marketing…

Exubera diabetes drug gets a boost from NICE

Earlier this year the UK diabetes community was surprised and many disgruntled…

Diabetes drug under question

A diabetes drug prescribed throughout the world might not be producing the…

Diabetes specialists axed in Suffolk

Nurses who are specifically dedicated to the care of people who have…

Diabetes drug approved, concern over cost

Sensational diabetes drug Januvia (Merck), the first in a new class of…

Gestational diabetes could be caused by periodontal disease

The effect of the teeth on the health of the rest of…

Doctors will use new class of diabetes drug

Diabetes news yesterday indicated that seminal DPP-4 inhibitor Januvia (created by Merck…

Fake diabetes test strips on sale

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has called a nationwide state of…

Merck diabetes drug should win US approval

Merck’s groundbreaking new diabetes drug, Januvia, may be approved by the FDA…

Diabetes tied to the waistline

The risk of developing diabetes is inextricably linked with obesity, being overweight,…