Diabetes forecast leaps

Diabetes, already regarded as one of the foremost chronic diseases in the…

Weight loss number one diabetes prevention

A new study has shown that the foremost factor in reducing diabetes…

Genetic type 1 diabetes risk higher than previously thought

Type 1 diabetes has long been suspected of having a genetic aspect.…

Diabetes research advancement by Scottish team

Scientists in Scotland have reported a major breakthrough in the development of…

Diabetes slows recovery from heart transplant

A major operation such as a heart transplant requires considerable time to…

Obesity increases diabetes and blindness risk

Obese individuals who suffer an increased risk of developing diabetes also suffer…

Takeda to cease anti-diabetes compound research

Takeda Pharmaceutical, one of the leading diabetes drug companies in Japa, revealed…

Beta-blockers increase diabetes risk

Those patients who take beta-blockers to lower their blood pressure levels could…

Taxing junk food will not stop diabetes in Australia

A new plan to tax unhealthy food, with the aim of slowing…

Rising diabetes and obesity rates a disaster for Asian Countries

As China, India and other Asian countries have modernised they have also…