Diabetes Alzheimers linked

Diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease have been linked by several new studies .…

Infection a likely cause due to diabetes case clusters

Researchers in the UK have uncovered new evidence that young diabetes patients…

Minority diabetes influenced by diet

Hispanic, black and Asian people are more susceptible to developing diabetes, according…

Australian National Diabetes Week, diabetes counselling online

It is National Diabetes Week in Australia, a country hit no less…

Diabetes and short legs

Patients with a low leg-to-height ration are slightly more likely to develop…

New technology providing real diabetes solutions

Bourne Research, the successful market research firm, have praised the direction of…

Glaxo resumes diabetes drug manufacture

GlaxoSmithKline Plc has resumed the sale of the troubled, yet still very…

The patient holds the key in diabetes treatment

The single most important person when treating and managing diabetes is the…

Diabetes and glaucoma linked

A study of women in the US over the last 20 years…

Canadian diabetes patients wait on exubera

Exubera, the diabetes ‘mega-drug’ that cracks the holy grail of the disease…