Diabetes and poverty in Ohio

People living in areas of Appalachian Ohio face higher rates of diabetes…

New cystic-fibrosis diabetes variant

Scientists in the United States indicate that an increasing number of cystic…

Dairy foods as part of diabetes diet

Finding the perfect diabetes diet can be difficult, with each type of…

Drug companies race for share of diabetes market

Major pharmaceutical and biotechnological firms are in a race to capture a…

Dog DNA in Australia gives diabetes and MS clues

Researchers in Melbourne, Australia are examining dog DNA in an aim to…

New Zealand diabetes enrolment doubles

Free diabetes check-ups in New Zealand have proved successful but also alarming,…

UK diabetes epidemic is unavoidable

A diabetes sufferer appointed to the advisory council of Diabetes UK as…

Cinnamon and diabetes treatment link

Recent examples of cinnamon being used to effectively lower blood sugar levels…

Juvenile diabetes could be caused by infection

The causes of type 1 diabetes are little understood. As the rarer,…

Fast Food leads to obesity

A study of over 3,000 black and white American adults has revealed…