American diabetics need management help

A new study in America reveals that both patients and doctors display…

Insulin mix OK for diabetic children

New research has revealed that mixing rapid-acting and long-acting insulin in the…

US diabetes prevalence continues to increase

Recent reports claim that over 70 million people are now suffering from…

Diabetic retinopathy could be helped by antibiotic

A new study published in medical journal diabetes suggests that an antibiotic…

Shocking new US diabetes figure

A new study by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and…

Diabetes and obesity under-diagnosed amongst the black population

Under-diagnosis is a major problem for many diseases. A new study has…

Diabetes care future fears

The diabetes epidemic, regarded by some as the greatest threat to future…

Carotenoids reduce diabetes risk

For those people who do not inhale tobacco, non-smokers, the presence of…

New Zealand given further diabetes and obesity caution

Diabetes, according to doctors speaking out at a parliamentary inquiry in New…

Diabetes disabilities act claim disputed

Jon Honkala, an inmate at Springfield prison in Vermont, has had his…