US Diabetes numbers rising as funding falls

American, until recently thought of as the global diabetes hotspot, now faces…

New diabetes research collaboration

Nanogen Incorporated, a company that develops advanced diagnostic products for a number…

New diabetes gene link

Science’s struggle with diabetes has one major goal: to identify a genetic…

Australia facing a diabetes epidemic

The Federal Health Minister of Australia, a Mr. Tony Abbott has called…

UK diabetes charity receive financial boost

Diabetes UK, the leading diabetes charity in this country, is celebrating today…

DIY test for diabetes in Australia

Australia and the antipodean region are facing diabetes challenges . Surging levels…

New diabetes and cancer therapies revealed

A novel cancer treatment and groundbreaking diabetes research will be unveiled together…

Marshall islands diabetes program underway

A new diabetes centre is opening in the Marshall Islands, with the…

New Zealand obesity and diabetes problem

The future of obesity and diabetes control in New Zealand will be…

Churches spreading the diabetes message

Diabetes affects ethnic minorities in different ways, with African-Americans nearly 50 per…