EU conference on diabetes

Further to yesterday’s news on EU concern over diabetes in member states,…

New Desang diabetes kitbags for insulin equipment

Recent years have seen a number of new products marketed for use…

Diabetes and erectile dysfunction linked in India

India, although it has lost the title of global diabetes hotspot (the…

European Union calls for action against diabetes

An official warning from the heights of the European Union has lambasted…

U-M free diabetes drugs scheme

Diabetes, as well as being one of the fastest growing diseases in…

Gene a guard against diabetes

Diabetes seems to be all-pervasive, striking at individuals of all ages across…

New Zealand diabetes death figures soar

The concentration of diabetes around the world is firmly focused on several…

Soft drinks a diabetes risk, Australia fight

Experts from America have reported that drinking a sugary drink a day…

Drugs offer diabetes hope

The possibility of a cure for type 1 diabetes continues to be…

Takeda and Eli Lilly break of diabetes drug partnership

In the field of pharmaceutical marketing, many smaller biotechnological and pharmaceutical firms…