Diabetes and colon cancer linked

A team of researchers at the National University of Singapore have uncovered…

Ohio reports alarming growth of people diagnosed as diabetic

Health care officials have stated that diabetes cases in the state of…

Important genetic discovery could treat diabetics

A gene for type 2 diabetes, perceived by many as one of…

Variant gene increases risk to diabetics with type 2 diabetes

American scientists have discovered a variant gene can lead to diabetics with…

Pfizer in major bid for drug company

Oral insulin, the ‘holy grail’ of the diabetes pharmaceutical industry, is swiftly…

GlaxoSmithKline short on drugs

GlaxoSmithKline, one of the most powerful pharmaceutical institutions in the world, is…

Feline diabetes needs insulin to treat

Diabetes mellitus is an enormous and ever-growing problem throughout the entire world.…

Privacy question hangs over New York diabetes scheme

The diabetes problem in America is reaching pandemic proportions. An already ailing…

Brain important in therapy for diabetes

A new study has revealed the crucial role that the brain plays…

Dieting impacts on diabetes risk in only three weeks

Diet, perceived by many as the single most important factor in controlling…