Diabetes gum from Generex

Generex, the company behind the oral insulin expected to be released in…

Pre-diabetes highlighted as problem in Europe

Pre-diabetes, the condition associated with metabolic syndrome or syndrome X, is the…

Anti-obesity drugs to combat diabetes

Diabetes levels are increasing rapidly throughout the world. The future, for both…

New York recognises diabetes epidemic

The New York Times, in many circles regarded as one of the…

Diabetic vision improved through oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy, the process whereby concentrated oxygen is regularly fed through the…

Glaxo little affected by diabetes drug warning

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the regulatory board for all drugs…

Fast Food and diabetes link

Fast food, sometimes considered a major contributory factor in the spread of…

Cardiovascular disease in diabetics increased by liver disease

A study carried out by an Italian research group has identified positive…

Syndrome X early diabetes indicators

An American health expert has indicated that many Americans who believe that…

Combined treatment common amongst diabetics

A study carried out by researchers from the Medical University of South…