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What are your New Year's diabetes resolutions?
HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone from the team at DCUK!

We hope you had a wonderful time celebrating the end of what has been an eventful 2013 and the start of what promises to be an even more action-packed 2014.

Hopefully the last 12 months were as good to you as they were to us, especially in terms of managing diabetes.

If there are any areas of your diabetes care that you feel need improving, then why not include these in your New Year's resolutions.

If you haven't got any resolutions for 2014 and are in need of some inspiration, visit the Diabetes Forum to get some ideas.
Hot Your 2014 resolutions!
After a period of heaving eating and drinking, some people decide to give their digestive system a break by detoxing.

Detox diets are designed to clean and nourish the body from the inside out by removing and eliminating toxins before refuelling the body healthy nutrients.

If you are considering following a detox diet plan, consult your doctor first, especially if you have diabetes, as some of these short-term diets may include a higher carbohydrate intake than you are used to, or involve taking supplements that could interact with any medication you're on.
Hot Pros and cons of a detox diet
Weight loss is a common goal for many people following Christmas and New Year's.

To get a head start, try using the Diet Plate method, which provides an easy way to keep track of portion sizes at meal times, making it an effective aid in managing weight and controlling type 2 diabetes.
Guide Get your Diet Plate today
Top downloads of 2013
2013 was a brilliant year for the team at DCUK.

As well as launching a number of mouth-watering Diabetes Cookbooks (see below), we also rolled out the Diabetes Forum App and reached 95,000 likes on Facebook - more than double the amount we had this time last year. If you haven't already, make sure you like us on Facebook too!

Take your pick from our selection of mouthwatering Diabetes Cookbooks of 2013 and download your free copy - you can download them all if you like!

1. The Diabetes Cookbook 2015
2. Barbeque Cookbook
3. Summer Cookbook
4. Back To School Cookbook
5. Christmas Cookbook


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Insulin therapy


On insulin therapy for your diabetes?
Would you be interested in taking part in a study assessing the impact of hypos on living with diabetes?

You can take part in a Europe-wide study being conducted by a leading pharmaceutical company.

Participation in the study involves you completing 4 short online surveys over a 4 week period, taking a total of about 35 minutes.
Sign up here
Type 1 diabetes: Dealing with hypos as a parent
Having a hypo in front of your child or children can be a difficult experience and you may worry about it having an unsettling effect on them.

These things can happen but there are ways you can make the best of a bad situation should such a situation occur.
Dealing with hypos as a parent


Type 2 diabetes: EndoBarrier treatment
The EndoBarrier is a temporary treatment which has similar effects to gastric bypass surgery in helping significantly with weight loss.

However, it has one major advantage over a gastric bypass procedure as it does not involve the cutting and reattaching of the digestive tract.
Find out more about EndoBarrier


Recipe of the day: Lamb Cutlets
Video guide
Bring in the new year with this delicious Lamb Cutlets dish! They are low carb so won't be tarnishing any healthy New Year's resolutions. Get the recipe here.
Trending on the Diabetes Forum
Low carb diet research
As many of you who have read my posts may know, I'm a T1 low carber. It's worked wonders for me and is the only method that has got my HbA1c below...
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How many pills do you take daily?
I was diagnosed with type 1 in April 2012 I weighed 10st back then and I was put on insulin and I started eating low carb.. I exercised often but after my...
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Can't control Blood Sugar Levels
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Insensitive Boss! :(
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What suits you for breakfast?

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Advice needed on lantus glargine
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Novarapid / Hypo query
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Type 2 and the five two diet

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Terminal and Scared
Kick start your 2014 with the essentials
Shop bestseller
Insulin Dependent Wristband
The Insulin Dependent Diabetic wristband is the most popular product in the Diabetes Shop!

Shop bestseller
Blood Glucose Test Strips
Test strips from world leading brands at very low prices. Only at the Diabetes Shop.
Shop bestseller
Carry your everyday essentials wherever you go with this portable hypoglycaemia management kit.

Shop bestseller
Desang Classic Kit Bag
Designed to carry everything you need to test and monitor your blood sugars and administer insulin.
Shape your 2014 with the essentials
Shop bestseller
Diabetic and Proud Wristband
The Diabetic and Proud wristband is the most popular product in the Diabetes Shop! Get yours today!

Shop bestseller
Carbs + Cals
The UK's bestselling book gives you the essential advice to get into the perfect shape.
Shop bestseller
Diet Plate
Control your portions and give your body the perfect balance of food with weight management products.

Shop bestseller
New coming soon: BMI Calculator
Are you the right weight for your height? It's important to know. Keep track with our BMI calculator.
Video guide: Sugar levels and exercise
Video guide
Exercise is useful for diabetes control but those of us on medication, such as insulin, need to be aware how different types and durations of exercise can affect our blood glucose levels. We’ve compiled the most essential tips into a handy video. Watch our video on how to manage sugar levels during exercise.
What's hot in the community
Diabetic travel insurance
Going away somewhere nice this winter? Get a FREE diabetic travel insurance quote in minutes.
Get a free quote


Milk is a great source of calcium and energy but that means it can also provide a significant amount of calories, particularly if you enjoy drinking whole milk.
Learn more

A lack of communication between diabetes patients and their GPs or other healthcare professionals is a common problem which can leave people feeling frustrated.
Learn more


Foot problem symptoms
It’s important to look for and be aware of any changes that occur to your feet as diabetes can make our feet particularly susceptible to damage.

Our guide on foot symptoms looks at the range of changes that can occur, what these changes may sometimes signify and what to do if you notice the symptoms.
Signs of common foot problems
Get in touch: here


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