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What do diabetes health checks involve, and are you up to date?
Receiving diabetes check-ups from your doctor or healthcare professional is an essential part of diabetes care. Are you up to date with your check-ups?

Adults with diabetes should attend a diabetes review at least once each year. During this review you should receive several health checks. These include a HbA1c test, foot examination, blood pressure test and body weight measurement.

This review can be an opportunity to ask any questions regarding your diabetes management; you may also want to ask about attending a diabetes education course that’s nearby to you.

If your annual review is coming up, you could make a list of any day-to-day problems you might want to ask your doctor about. By keeping a diary you can also monitor the results of your check-ups. Download a free food diary here, and a free blood glucose diary here. If you prefer apps for tracking your health numbers, Diabetes PA is free on iPhone and Android.

Not sure what to expect? Ask the community over in the forum. Don't forget to read the success stories - and share yours, too.

In January, the latest National Diabetes Audit found among people under the age of 40, only 27% of those with type 1 diabetes and 40% with type 2 diabetes received all 8 recommended checks every year.

You should contact your GP if it has been over 12 months since your latest annual diabetes review and try to get one booked as soon as possible.

Furthermore, conducting daily diabetes check-ups can make a big difference to your diabetes management. Make sure you check your feet every day and keep good control of your blood glucose levels.

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Video guide
Check out Jack’s blog detailing 9 foods that contain a surprising amount of sugar, including pasta sauces and salad dressings.

News about a new breakthrough device which measures glucose from a drop of sweat has just this moment been published - we'll have more on that on Thursday.

Have a great 4 day week,

PS. What are you doing right now? It'll keep you busy for a while!

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