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Causes, carb counting and secondary diabetes

There is a lot misinformation around when it comes to discussion of the causes of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is frequently viewed as a condition brought on by a bad diet but it is too complex a condition to draw such a simple conclusion.

What are the causes of type 2

Research shows that diet can be a factor but that’s not to say it is always the cause.

A range of factors including our genes, the medication we’ve taken and stress can each raise the chances of developing insulin resistance.

The Diabetes Forum community has a lot to say about blame and how diabetes is perceived by others. Read how others see their diabetes and have your own say on the matter.

Don't involve yourself in the blame game

Is your diabetes under control?

Breaking news is that only 1 in 5 people with diabetes has their diabetes under control:

1 in 5 with diabetes have condition under control

Causes of type 1 diabetes   

Type 1 diabetes shares a number of symptoms with type 2 diabetes but is a separate medical condition and so it has a different set of causal factors.

Type 1 diabetes is arguably less well understood
than type 2 diabetes and there is less certainty over the causes of the condition.

Causes of type 1 diabetes

Type 2 and blame  

Many people with type 2 diabetes either feel a sense of blame and/or guilt for their condition or feel pushed into feeling guilty for developing the condition.

Given the number of factors involved in type 2
diabetes, casting blame on individuals is rarely justified or constructive.

Blame and type 2 diabetes

What caused my type 1 diabetes?   

It’s a question that many of us want to know the answer to. Do you have any thoughts on what caused your type 1 diabetes?

Share it with others on the forum.

What caused it?
The latest threads from the Diabetes Forum:
 Green tea
 Under skin blood testing device on BBC news page
 Sugar Free Squash
 Low Carb Diet
 NHS fines
 Problem with friend over my diabetes
 Low carbs
 Conceiving with type 2
 Trop50 juice sweetened with stevia
 Doctor restricting insulin prescription

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 Type 1: What do you least like about diabetes?
 Type 2: Sugar control

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The most shared news this week has been:

 Novel oral therapy for type 2 diabetes wins FDA approval
 Low melatonin levels up risk for type 2 diabetes
 Just 1 in 5 with diabetes have condition under control

Did you know: You can now comment on diabetes news articles through your Facebook account.

Video Guide: Carbohydrate counting  

Carbohydrate counting is a useful skill to have and is particularly important for people with type 1 diabetes to manage insulin doses. It can take a bit of practice but carbohydrate counting gets easier with experience.

Watch the video on counting carbs.

Secondary diabetes  

Secondary diabetes is the term given to diabetes that develops as a consequence of a separate medical condition.

This rare form of diabetes is often permanent,
but in some cases it may be possible to reverse
the effects if the condition that triggered your diabetes is adequately treated in time.

Secondary diabetes
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1 in 5 have good control
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Salt is an essential nutrient for the body, but high intakes of salty food can be damaging to our health.

Denial of diabetes can affect people in different ways, and there are many levels and layers.

Pets and diabetes
Diabetes can affect animals in the same way as humans - including the causes and complications.
Reusing Insulin Pen Needles

Insulin pen needles are intended for single use only but it is known that a significant proportion of people with diabetes do re-use needles.

People with diabetes ultimately have the choice of whether they wish to re-use needles for injections. This article reviews evidence from research studies to help you make an informed decision about re-use of pen needles.

Reusing insulin pen needles >>
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