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Diabetes Professional Care 2016
Worst diabetes reporting and anti-snacking advert controversy
Reporting on diabetes is a very rewarding thing. We get to see all the exciting research being done and pass it on to the diabetes community.

We also, every so often, see some truly shocking instances when diabetes reporting has gone badly wrong. And this week has seen its fair share of twaddle.

“Hold up, the Mirror”, we heard you say as the paper made up its own interpretation of an omega-3 study, stating that oily fish increased women’s risk of type 2 diabetes.

A typical case of tabloid misreporting and over-extending the truth as fish intake itself wasn’t specifically analysed. Benedict, our Head of Education, debunked the truth behind the research.

Then there was the anti-snacking advert from the Food Standards Scotland (FSS). The advert was derided for not differentiating between type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes, and viewers argued that it could be interpreted as saying that type 2 is only caused by unhealthy snacking.

The advert has since been taken down.

Other times in which diabetes reporting fell foul include when a German journalist advocated eating chocolate for weight loss. Unsurprisingly, the results weren’t accurate, and reporters all around the world were duped.

And, of course, there was the missed opportunity of tabloids worldwide (we’re looking at you, TMZ) to raise diabetes awareness following Rob Kardashian’s type 2 diagnosis earlier this year.

Low Carb Program
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What's hot in the community
Venom protein
The venom of a cone snail could potentially help treat diabetes by working faster than human insulin, researchers have said.
Cone snail and diabetes


BMI calculator
Use our calculator to measure your BMI, which requires your height (in feet and inches) and weight (in either pounds or kilograms).
What is your BMI?


The kids are alright
Whether they’re lobbying at Scottish Parliament or launching petitions, there are some kids with diabetes who are truly inspirational.
5 inspirational kids

10% off all t-shirts
Finally, we’re pretty sure you’ll agree with our new Facebook post comparing blood sugar levels to a certain theme park attraction!

Have a great day,

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