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How will the sugar tax affect T1D?
Last week’s announcement of a sugar tax remains one of the most discussed topics in the diabetes community.

We examined the impact a sugar tax will have on people with type 1 diabetes and asked “is there cause for complaint?”. Ben took a look at how a sugar tax will effect the diabetes management of people susceptible to hypoglycemia and what it could mean for hypo treatments.

Also, check out what Labour MP Jamie Reed, who has type 1 diabetes, had to say about the sugar tax. Jamie also spoke to about the first-ever Talking About Diabetes conference and his own diabetes management.

Meanwhile, a new blood test has been unveiled which could help people with diabetes monitor their glucose levels more accurately. The technology can also diagnose diabetes and identify people at risk of diabetes and detect blood abnormalities.

An Australian company called Mesoblast Limited made the headlines this week after they exclusively licensed patented technology developed at Harvard Medical School.

The technology, known as ex vivo fucosylation, could be used to treat type 1 diabetes. Trials involving mouse models have already led to promising results.
A new blood test has been unveiled which could help people with diabetes monitor their glucose levels more accurately. The technology can also diagnose diabetes and identify people at risk of diabetes and detect blood abnormalities.

It is thought the test might help prevent serious complications which can be associated with diabetes, such as diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease).

Another news story that made the headlines last week was the revelation that commuters who walk, cycle or use public transport to get to work lose more weight than people who drive.

Losing weight can have tremendous health benefits for people with type 2 diabetes; lead researcher Dr. Ellen Flint, explained: "We found that, compared with commuting by car, public transport, walking and cycling or a mix of all three are associated with reductions in body mass and body fat percentage, even when accounting for demographic and socioeconomic factors."

Meanwhile, the combination of infertility and low levels of sex hormones shows clear links to metabolic disorders.

This is according to Swedish researchers who found that men with a low sperm count are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes as they grow older.

The study team advised that all men seeking advice for fertility problems should have their levels of reproductive hormones checked, and those at risk of serious disease should be followed after the completion of fertility treatment.

Join in today's top forum threads:

01  0 confidence with my type 1 diabetes and hypo anxiety
02  Can someone remind me of what your BG levels should be
03  Is Dry Skin A Symptom Of Diabetes?
04  Should Lucozade be exempted from the sugar tax?
05  POLL: Has continuous glucose monitoring changed your outlook?
06  Sudden change in bread reaction
07  The effect of stopping treatment for Type 2 Diabetes
08  Dawn Phenomenon - good or bad?
09  Does this make me a Dia-badass?!
10  Foods For a Good Nights Sleep

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Diabetic travel insurance
Going away somewhere nice this Easter? Get a FREE diabetic travel insurance quote in minutes.
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Having high blood sugar levels can lead to glucose in the urine, which in turn can raise the risk of urinary tract infections.
Urinary tract infections

If you're being bullied because of your diabetic condition, or any other reason for that matter, it’s important that you don’t suffer in silence and that you talk to somebody about it.
Bullying and diabetes

Recipe of the day
If you missed it, make sure you catch up on Friday’s episode of the DCUK News Round-Up. Episode 3 featured the announcement of the sugar tax and the development of a “smart” insulin patch.

With Easter now only days away, download the Perfect Easter Treats for some delicious twists on Easter favourites. It's 1 of 20 free cookbooks available in the member area. Not a member? No problem, sign up here

Only 3 working days left until Good Friday!

PS. Interested in some lunch ideas? Have a look at one of the most popular forum threads What's in your Lunch Box today?

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