Artificial pancreas for type 2 diabetes? · View online · Send to a friend
Low carb gets silent treatment

An Australian doctor has been silenced for advocating the benefits of a low-carb diet. “If this sounds like a horror story, it is,” said Dr Gary Fettke, who has been reported for, incredibly, highlighting how a low-carb diet can help people with diabetes. A petition has been launched to stop the gag order against Dr Fettke.

Sign the petition
Artificial Pancreas
Artificial pancreas boost

An artificial pancreas could help people with type 2 diabetes get better blood sugar levels during hospital admissions. Cambridge researchers found that the device outperformed standard injections among hospitalised insulin-treated patients.

Treatment target
Diabetes PA
A new approach

Diabetes PA is a free app that essentially acts as a diabetes personal assistant. As well as being simple and practical, it allows you track health markers such as blood glucose and mood, which can then be shared with your doctor.

Get Your Diabetes PA
Reverse Your Diabetes
T2D drug study is recruiting

Want to be involved in a type 2 diabetes study? Volunteers are currently being recruited to find out how successful a drug could be in treating people with type 2 diabetes who also have vascular disease.

Are you eligible?
Insulin Pen
Too high to drive?

“I fell asleep before I gave myself an insulin injection last night so my fasting glucose this morning was 10.6,” says Diabetes Forum user SWUSA, who then goes on to ask ‘how high is too high to drive?’

Hypers and driving
30 Day Meal Plan
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What we're eating

Graham Hogben
Age: 65

“I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes six years ago, and following a recent six-monthly check my levels were off the scale. Coincidentally my wife spotted an advertisement for the Low Carb Program. Realising the immediate and direct effect of reducing carbohydrates on blood glucose levels was a definite eureka moment! In 10 weeks I’ve lost 18lbs/8kg and three inches around my waist, and my average blood glucose levels have gone from 10-12 mmol/ to below 7.”

Low Carb Program

What we're reading

Healthy heart foods

Eating foods and drinks that contain polyphenols, such as tea, fruits and vegetables can improve the heart health of older adults with type 2 diabetes.

Heart health boost
What is BMI?

The medical profession often uses BMI to determine a person’s risk of diabetes, but what exactly is BMI and why have arguments been made against its use in a clinical setting?

BMI and diabetes
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Have a great day,

PS. Forum member Davecatt has shared his good news.


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