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A 'cool' approach to diabetes


Setting the thermostat just one degree centigrade lower to a "mild cold" could help improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes, scientists say. It is a discovery that could be used to tackle rates of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

New temperature study
Let's have a grumble!

Troubled by injecting in public


What we're reading

Electric acupuncture offers potential to lower blood sugar levels

Obese children four times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes

APPG report calls for schools to take better care of children with diabetes

Blood glucose before bed

A sandwich made me go very high

T1D and self-tanning Products (like...really?)

The idiot diet

Is it really sugar free?



Nine simple questions


Go happy-go-lucky or worry about results I've no control over?

"Most people with type 2 diabetes will eventually use insulin"

Feel as if I have messed my body up losing weight too fast

Anything but Dull

The remarkable Gladys C. Lester Dull had to make a nine-mile trek in the harshest of North Dakotan winters in the 1920s when she was eventually diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

A diabetes legend

PS: Anyone can fall off the wagon - it happens! What's important is getting the support needed to get back on!

Have a great Thursday,

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